Tag Archive | Atlantis

A New Educational Paradigm

Education - Nelson Mandela

RESOLVE by Dr. Ram Sharma

I haven’t taken birth

Just to live

I have come here

To change the world

I want to eradicate the darkness

I want to create humanity

I want to stop this race of mammonism

But how many

Will pay heed to my words

Who will recognize me

But I am firm in on my resolve


A Letter To The Readers…

This note is intended for homeschooling parents who are exasperated by the present school system.  It is for the parents who recognize the incredible talents of their child, but have been forced to succumb to societal beliefs and judgments that prefer to label souls rather than embrace their gifts.  It is time for a new global educational system and we need mankind to join together to create that monumental paradigm shift.

The author has developed an outstanding curriculum that is briefly explained below.  The program treasures the uniqueness of all individuals and utilizes their strengths and passions.  The people who have been classified ADHD, ADD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Dyslexic, Developmentally Delayed, Learning Disabled or any litany of names are actually the movers and shakers of our world.  These brilliant souls have capabilities that are beyond our logic and the classroom setting is ludicrous to them because their brains operate at levels surpassing most people.  Their expertise is often overlooked and often the parents are told the child perseverates, meaning he/she obsesses about a topic.  In reality, the child is communicating in a way that only those with the same intelligence notice.

It is true that there are chemical imbalances within the neuronal pathways, but there are ways to release those blockages.  Once these children awaken to their true potential, we will witness minds that are ingenious.  Moreover, these gems of society will help transform our planet to its Utopian beginnings.

The author wants to share the curriculum with the world.  As a result, everybody involved in its inception will benefit.  This includes the students themselves.  We are searching for people who want to use their passions to help create a magnificent learning institution.  The profits will be divided equally amongst all participants.  Hierarchy is a word of the past.  Instead, unity and sharing will take its place.  Respect, love, compassion and joy are the mission for all involved.  Every person will be treated kindly and supported wholeheartedly.  Adults will learn from students and vice versa.

If this note resonates with your inner being, please continue reading.  The main criteria to be part of this revolutionary educational shift will be to have an open mind and be willing to reprogram any limiting beliefs preventing you from recognizing the power you possess inside.  In order for a company to be successful, it must embrace the talents of its individual members.  Listening intently, sharing ideas, working together as a team, acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility for one’s own actions are paramount.  Everybody must be willing to learn to love themselves unconditionally and forgive themselves completely.  In addition, one must be willing to see the divine in everything and everyone around them.

If we still have your attention, please read these websites in their entirety…



After reading, please send an email to pew2104@gmail.com and explain your passions and talents in detail.  Every passion is essential for the program’s success and all is needed.  As long as you love what you do with intensity, we want to hear from you.  Every single one of us is an integral member of society.  Please share this with your child, the homeless, the elderly, veterans, reformed prisoners or anybody who has love in their heart.  Let’s change this world by joining hands and sending out thoughts of love, peace and compassion for all.


ABCPEACE Message To Families

ABCPEACE curriculum was developed to provide students with an education that engages their individual interests and learning styles as well as nurture their social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and physical well being.  The curriculum employs the latest brain research methodologies to help children achieve their true potential.  ABCPEACE focuses on the individual strengths and reaches all learners in a multi-sensory capacity.

The vision of ABCPEACE is a clear and bright one.  The curriculum challenges student minds academically and in every area of their development.  The end results are happier children who thrive because they are learning concepts they are interested in and are taught in ways that make the process more enjoyable.

Parents will find the lesson plans fun, stimulating and easy to implement.  Also, families will be able to develop their own lesson plans using the guidelines in this book.  A love of learning is essential to maximizing our true ability and that is the premise ABCPEACE stands behind.

We acquire meaningful experiences all around us in the world that we live in.  Messages may come through teachers, role models, peers, neighbors and many other elements in society.  It is time for our youth to show the world they are brilliant beyond belief when taught the way their body truly desires to learn.  Moreover, it is imperative your child know intensity and passion are the keys to obtaining anything he/she wants.  It is time to awaken to the opportunities and follow our dreams.



ABCPEACE is a curriculum that promotes learning for the whole child.  There is now scientific evidence available that demonstrates every cell in the body has its own intelligence.  If these cells are turned on, optimal learning occurs.  The best way to achieve “cell alertness” is by introducing new, exciting concepts and ideas.  It is boring and monotonous if we are taught the same way day in and day out.  Our lives would be routine and we would be caught in a rut.  When the brain is not stimulated, it can lead to depression or we search for alternative methods to stir up excitement.  Usually, it is in the form of addictions:  obesity, drugs, alcohol or gang related activities.

In order to prevent these types of undesirable behaviors from developing, children need to learn ways to achieve inner peace.  For each cell to be operating at maximum performance, the body needs to be relaxed, balanced and happy.  When these three things occur simultaneously, the body and brain are ready for optimal learning.

ABCPEACE is an acronym for Activating Brain Concepts Physically Emotionally Auditorially Cognitively and Energetically.  Let’s break each component down so you could recognize the premise behind the name and realize the simplicity behind the words.

Activating brain concepts means awakening all the cells so they could work together.  These cells are stationed throughout the entire body, not just the brain.  When cells work in conjunction, the concepts are stored in short term memory and later into long term muscle memory (bio-memory or subconscious).  When the thoughts and ideas are in our bio-memory, it exists forever.  So, when we are in search of a vocabulary word, it simply is retrieved from our bio-memory.  When we need to calculate complicated mathematical computations, our bio-memory effortlessly gives us the answers and problem solving techniques to discern the correct answer.

You may be thinking this is way too easy.  It sounds good on paper, but does it really work?  The answer is yes it is simple and yes it really works.  God has given us sense organs for a reason.  The brain and all cells learn easily when the senses are activated.  In this way, multiple channels are acquiring knowledge concurrently.  When myriad sources are penetrating the cells, it creates an action potential allowing the transmittal of information through the body.  Neuronal pathways will be discussed in more detail in later chapters.  For now, just realize the only way for the communication between cells to occur is to overload a cell with information and the best way for a student to reach his true potential is through multi-sensory learning.

Multi-sensory learning occurs when thoughts, concepts or ideas are taught through smelling, seeing, tasting, hearing and feeling.  There are also two more senses that are noteworthy to add.  They are vestibular and proprioceptive.  The vestibular system controls balance, coordination, muscle tone and every muscle in our body.  Walking, dancing, climbing and writing are all activities requiring the vestibular system to work properly. Proprioceptive awareness enables the body to orient itself in space without visual clues.  So, when we could focus our lesson plans around themes that generate all 7 senses, we are creating an environment conducive to optimal learning.  As a result, students will be high achievers throughout the school years and in life in general.

We all have emotional garbage and it is usually from the early childhood years.  There are ways to release these negative thought patterns.  In fact, children can release these detrimental beliefs easily and quickly.  There are several methods that will be elaborated on in its respective chapter.  They are positive affirmations, Emotional Freedom Technique, guided imagery, memory empowerment, yoga, correct breathing, mudras (hand movements), self massage, active meditations, sounds, geometric patterns, colors, natural herbs and awareness.

We come to earth as a blank slate, joyful and thrilled to learn.  However, shortly after birth, society creates disturbances.  As a result, belief patterns begin to emerge that we aren’t aware of.  Yet, our subconscious remembers everything.  Events trigger the subconscious into action and we perform behaviors that are sometimes inappropriate for the situation.  On a conscious level, we have no idea why we did what we just did.  However, our inner being fully realizes why we commit certain negative acts.  Wouldn’t it be great to reprogram these ideas so when these thoughts surface, it will give us a sense of happiness and peace, rather than anxiety and discord?

Every child is unique and as a result brings something special to our world.  When educators believe in children as capable individuals, they help students recognize their true potential.  This implies we need to nurture the brain with an exorbitant amount of material in a fun, play-based mode.

Who could be a better teacher than parents?  Parents are the foremost educators of their children and are revered by their children.  When peace, love and compassion are taught in the home, it enables children to learn to respect, accept and embrace the differences between us.    It starts in the home, travels to the classroom, goes out to the community and eventually becomes global.  We applaud parents who choose to educate their child in the home environment.  It gives a child the ability to grow in all developmental areas exponentially and also promotes morality and character education which is currently lacking in a lot of school systems.

Heaven On Earth


You Are Everywhere by Dr. Ram Sharma

You twinkle in my memory like stars

You fall from my eyes in the shape of drops

You come to me as unforgotten dream

You are string of invisible relationship

You have your presence on my life’s board

You are source of happiness and sadness

You are not here and there

You are everywhere

There is one Creator in this world and it has no form.  The Creator is pure existential energy that has no boundaries.  We have given the Creator names such as God, Shiva, and Allah to name a few.  Every religion has a name for the Creator.  Humanity likes identities.  No matter what you call the Creator, it is still the pure existential energy that creates, sustains and rejuvenates every atom in the Universe.

It is challenging for mankind to see the Creator as energy.  Existential Energy is brilliant – way beyond any human intelligence on this planet.  It is made of female and male energy so when one refers to it as he, that label is erroneous.  The first human Universal energy created was Adam.  Adam was composed of both female and male energy like all of existence.  Adam was happy within himself and all of existence.  However, one day the Creator instructed Adam to use his rib to create another human called Eve.  That is how the Creator in human male and female forms developed.  When Eve was tempted by the snake and ate the forbidden apple, the Creator felt humans needed to learn lessons and gave them free will to do what they pleased.  Adam was so distraught about disobeying the Creator, he prayed for forgiveness and of course, it was granted.  The Creator sent Archangel Raziel down to Adam.  Archangel Raziel gave Adam “The Sefer Raziel Hamalach,” the book containing the Secrets of the Universe.  And so life began on planet Earth.

Humans learned lessons about fear, greed, war and so many other painful tutelages for millenniums.  However, there was a time when Earth was like Heaven.  It was during the times of Atlantis approximately 200,000 years ago.  During this time, communities worked together cohesively sharing ideas, foods and talents.  Each person supported and helped each other.  There was true abundance in every form – prosperity, health, relationships.   Everyone lived in bliss and each day was an adventure full of surprises.  Humans had the ability to manifest anything they wanted so there was no need for competition and “survival of the fittest.”  One day, control and greed took over and the souls who were tricked were not able to forgive themselves.  They saw Atlantis fall from grace as every being was destroyed.

Prior to its destruction, a group of Atlanteans knew the demise of Atlantis was soon to occur so they needed to relocate precious crystals to prevent them from being destroyed or used for negative purposes.  The Galactics, mainly the Sirian-Pleidian Alliance helped the Atlantean loyalists with this secret mission.  The group of loyalists were called the Agarthans.  The 9 crystals the Agarthans saved underneath our planet have been activated every year.  For instance, one crystal was activated on 11/11/11 and another on 12/12/12.  These crystals allowed us to reach higher dimensional frequencies.  These crystals brought balance as well as beautiful, calming energy to our planet.

On December 21, 2012, a surge of love energy was infused onto planet earth.  This could only have happened through prayers and meditations of a multitude of  groups around the world pleading for a magnanimous change.  Even prior to 2012, our DNA was gradually changing from carbon based to crystalline based due to humanities prayers.

The year 2013 was a time of assimilation of these intense energies.  It gave us the opportunity to release emotional disturbances and negative mental patterns embedded in our subconscious.  The year 2014 is the time to recognize the powers within and manifest whatever we want.

About 70% of our population were Atlanteans using our powers to live in peace, harmony and bliss.  We were devastated by the destruction of Atlantis and those memories are stored in our subconscious.  We blame ourselves for the tragedy that occurred at Atlantis.  Whether we were the deceived or the deceiver, we have not been able to forgive ourselves for this traumatic event.  The great news is the Creator and all the divine loves each and every one of us unconditionally and forgives us completely.  Now we must offer that love and forgiveness to ourselves.

The Creator in human form is every one of us.  In the heavens we have a pure soul filled with love, peace and compassion, but when we are born, we forget about our purity.  We have karmas embedded in our subconscious, our Book of Life, from every lifetime on earth.  For many, Atlantis is deeply engraved in our memory banks.

There are also Avatars who come down to this planet.  They are also the Creator in human form.  However, in their past life they became enlightened meaning they reached a state way beyond our human 3rd dimension.  These Avatars have reached the level of total purity.  They have no anger, worry or fears.  They go with the flow of existence and live in total bliss.  These beings could be crucified, imprisoned or abused and still retain their smiles and happiness.  They choose to take a human form to help humanity.  While humans must continue to take a human form from life to life until they achieve pure consciousness, Avatars take a human form due to the purity of their heart.  Jesus, Muhammad, Murga, Buddha and St. Germaine are all considered Avatars.  They are an incarnation of the Creator at the highest level.

We are all the sons and daughters of the Creator.  That energy is the Universe and we all contain a part of that energy.  In our physical 5 foot or 6 foot frame is existential energy.  We are all one!

We mentioned earlier, 2014 is the year to manifest anything we desire.  It is also the year to transform our planet into a world similar to Atlantis.  Mankind needs help.  Even though there are Avatars and Saints currently on our planet, humanity requires aid from the entire Universe.  There are Galactic brothers and sisters readily available to come to our assistance.

Since existential energy is pure divine intelligence, it can be transformed into any form at all – humans, trees, animals, sea creatures, mountains, stars, clouds, tables and so on.  Our Galactic brothers and sisters are another form of us.  Some familiar names are Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Agarthans, Hathors and many more.  Some of these Sentient beings prefer human bodies, some like animal vessels, some enjoy half animal and half human forms, some like ten arms and it goes on and on.  It really doesn’t matter what form they take because their souls have pure love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony for the entire Universe.  Ganesha, a favorite divine being of many people of all religions, has an elephant head and a human body.  Ganesha removes obstacles, is fun and loves sweets!  All the divine Sentient beings are fun, playful and full of love.  The soul is the Creator energy and our bodies allow us to enjoy the wonders of the world in a physical form.

Here comes the most exciting part that was supposed to be a surprise to all of humanity.  All lightworkers are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Galactic brothers and sisters.  Our Galactic family will be coming to planet Earth in forms we love.  Those forms are our deceased relatives, beloved pets and other forms you truly wish them to be.  They will only come when they are invited and feel welcome.  Humanity has free will and the Creator will never take that free will away, so we must ask them to join us with our mission.

There is a way for people around the globe to join together as one to bring our planet back to its Utopian beginnings.  The information exists on another website.  Initially, you may feel this assignment is benefitting one person.  In reality, this task is helping all of humanity and the entire Universe.  It will demonstrate the power of the collective consciousness to perform a miracle.

Moses had explicit instructions from the Creator to save his people, not just himself.  If Moses went alone to the Red Sea, do you think it would part?  The Red Sea parted because the collective consciousness trusted Moses and listened to his words.  There were no chosen people.  That particular group was identified as the Israelites.  However, the Creator was helping the souls who prayed to be released from slavery and genocide.  Thoughts are extremely powerful.  What goes out comes back.  The Israelites were praying for salvation and the Egyptians were passionate about killing.  The Universe doesn’t determine good or bad.  The Existential Energy gave the two groups their intense wishes.  That is why the Jews were saved and the Egyptians were destroyed.

Please listen to this radio interview from July 2013.  It is one hour.  You will hear the joy and laughter in the voice and feel the truth and integrity within the words.  After listening, please go to http://educationalhealing.wordpress.com to see how we could have Heaven On Earth right now!

Radio Interview