A New Educational Paradigm

Education - Nelson Mandela

RESOLVE by Dr. Ram Sharma

I haven’t taken birth

Just to live

I have come here

To change the world

I want to eradicate the darkness

I want to create humanity

I want to stop this race of mammonism

But how many

Will pay heed to my words

Who will recognize me

But I am firm in on my resolve


A Letter To The Readers…

This note is intended for homeschooling parents who are exasperated by the present school system.  It is for the parents who recognize the incredible talents of their child, but have been forced to succumb to societal beliefs and judgments that prefer to label souls rather than embrace their gifts.  It is time for a new global educational system and we need mankind to join together to create that monumental paradigm shift.

The author has developed an outstanding curriculum that is briefly explained below.  The program treasures the uniqueness of all individuals and utilizes their strengths and passions.  The people who have been classified ADHD, ADD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Dyslexic, Developmentally Delayed, Learning Disabled or any litany of names are actually the movers and shakers of our world.  These brilliant souls have capabilities that are beyond our logic and the classroom setting is ludicrous to them because their brains operate at levels surpassing most people.  Their expertise is often overlooked and often the parents are told the child perseverates, meaning he/she obsesses about a topic.  In reality, the child is communicating in a way that only those with the same intelligence notice.

It is true that there are chemical imbalances within the neuronal pathways, but there are ways to release those blockages.  Once these children awaken to their true potential, we will witness minds that are ingenious.  Moreover, these gems of society will help transform our planet to its Utopian beginnings.

The author wants to share the curriculum with the world.  As a result, everybody involved in its inception will benefit.  This includes the students themselves.  We are searching for people who want to use their passions to help create a magnificent learning institution.  The profits will be divided equally amongst all participants.  Hierarchy is a word of the past.  Instead, unity and sharing will take its place.  Respect, love, compassion and joy are the mission for all involved.  Every person will be treated kindly and supported wholeheartedly.  Adults will learn from students and vice versa.

If this note resonates with your inner being, please continue reading.  The main criteria to be part of this revolutionary educational shift will be to have an open mind and be willing to reprogram any limiting beliefs preventing you from recognizing the power you possess inside.  In order for a company to be successful, it must embrace the talents of its individual members.  Listening intently, sharing ideas, working together as a team, acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility for one’s own actions are paramount.  Everybody must be willing to learn to love themselves unconditionally and forgive themselves completely.  In addition, one must be willing to see the divine in everything and everyone around them.

If we still have your attention, please read these websites in their entirety…



After reading, please send an email to pew2104@gmail.com and explain your passions and talents in detail.  Every passion is essential for the program’s success and all is needed.  As long as you love what you do with intensity, we want to hear from you.  Every single one of us is an integral member of society.  Please share this with your child, the homeless, the elderly, veterans, reformed prisoners or anybody who has love in their heart.  Let’s change this world by joining hands and sending out thoughts of love, peace and compassion for all.


ABCPEACE Message To Families

ABCPEACE curriculum was developed to provide students with an education that engages their individual interests and learning styles as well as nurture their social, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and physical well being.  The curriculum employs the latest brain research methodologies to help children achieve their true potential.  ABCPEACE focuses on the individual strengths and reaches all learners in a multi-sensory capacity.

The vision of ABCPEACE is a clear and bright one.  The curriculum challenges student minds academically and in every area of their development.  The end results are happier children who thrive because they are learning concepts they are interested in and are taught in ways that make the process more enjoyable.

Parents will find the lesson plans fun, stimulating and easy to implement.  Also, families will be able to develop their own lesson plans using the guidelines in this book.  A love of learning is essential to maximizing our true ability and that is the premise ABCPEACE stands behind.

We acquire meaningful experiences all around us in the world that we live in.  Messages may come through teachers, role models, peers, neighbors and many other elements in society.  It is time for our youth to show the world they are brilliant beyond belief when taught the way their body truly desires to learn.  Moreover, it is imperative your child know intensity and passion are the keys to obtaining anything he/she wants.  It is time to awaken to the opportunities and follow our dreams.



ABCPEACE is a curriculum that promotes learning for the whole child.  There is now scientific evidence available that demonstrates every cell in the body has its own intelligence.  If these cells are turned on, optimal learning occurs.  The best way to achieve “cell alertness” is by introducing new, exciting concepts and ideas.  It is boring and monotonous if we are taught the same way day in and day out.  Our lives would be routine and we would be caught in a rut.  When the brain is not stimulated, it can lead to depression or we search for alternative methods to stir up excitement.  Usually, it is in the form of addictions:  obesity, drugs, alcohol or gang related activities.

In order to prevent these types of undesirable behaviors from developing, children need to learn ways to achieve inner peace.  For each cell to be operating at maximum performance, the body needs to be relaxed, balanced and happy.  When these three things occur simultaneously, the body and brain are ready for optimal learning.

ABCPEACE is an acronym for Activating Brain Concepts Physically Emotionally Auditorially Cognitively and Energetically.  Let’s break each component down so you could recognize the premise behind the name and realize the simplicity behind the words.

Activating brain concepts means awakening all the cells so they could work together.  These cells are stationed throughout the entire body, not just the brain.  When cells work in conjunction, the concepts are stored in short term memory and later into long term muscle memory (bio-memory or subconscious).  When the thoughts and ideas are in our bio-memory, it exists forever.  So, when we are in search of a vocabulary word, it simply is retrieved from our bio-memory.  When we need to calculate complicated mathematical computations, our bio-memory effortlessly gives us the answers and problem solving techniques to discern the correct answer.

You may be thinking this is way too easy.  It sounds good on paper, but does it really work?  The answer is yes it is simple and yes it really works.  God has given us sense organs for a reason.  The brain and all cells learn easily when the senses are activated.  In this way, multiple channels are acquiring knowledge concurrently.  When myriad sources are penetrating the cells, it creates an action potential allowing the transmittal of information through the body.  Neuronal pathways will be discussed in more detail in later chapters.  For now, just realize the only way for the communication between cells to occur is to overload a cell with information and the best way for a student to reach his true potential is through multi-sensory learning.

Multi-sensory learning occurs when thoughts, concepts or ideas are taught through smelling, seeing, tasting, hearing and feeling.  There are also two more senses that are noteworthy to add.  They are vestibular and proprioceptive.  The vestibular system controls balance, coordination, muscle tone and every muscle in our body.  Walking, dancing, climbing and writing are all activities requiring the vestibular system to work properly. Proprioceptive awareness enables the body to orient itself in space without visual clues.  So, when we could focus our lesson plans around themes that generate all 7 senses, we are creating an environment conducive to optimal learning.  As a result, students will be high achievers throughout the school years and in life in general.

We all have emotional garbage and it is usually from the early childhood years.  There are ways to release these negative thought patterns.  In fact, children can release these detrimental beliefs easily and quickly.  There are several methods that will be elaborated on in its respective chapter.  They are positive affirmations, Emotional Freedom Technique, guided imagery, memory empowerment, yoga, correct breathing, mudras (hand movements), self massage, active meditations, sounds, geometric patterns, colors, natural herbs and awareness.

We come to earth as a blank slate, joyful and thrilled to learn.  However, shortly after birth, society creates disturbances.  As a result, belief patterns begin to emerge that we aren’t aware of.  Yet, our subconscious remembers everything.  Events trigger the subconscious into action and we perform behaviors that are sometimes inappropriate for the situation.  On a conscious level, we have no idea why we did what we just did.  However, our inner being fully realizes why we commit certain negative acts.  Wouldn’t it be great to reprogram these ideas so when these thoughts surface, it will give us a sense of happiness and peace, rather than anxiety and discord?

Every child is unique and as a result brings something special to our world.  When educators believe in children as capable individuals, they help students recognize their true potential.  This implies we need to nurture the brain with an exorbitant amount of material in a fun, play-based mode.

Who could be a better teacher than parents?  Parents are the foremost educators of their children and are revered by their children.  When peace, love and compassion are taught in the home, it enables children to learn to respect, accept and embrace the differences between us.    It starts in the home, travels to the classroom, goes out to the community and eventually becomes global.  We applaud parents who choose to educate their child in the home environment.  It gives a child the ability to grow in all developmental areas exponentially and also promotes morality and character education which is currently lacking in a lot of school systems.

Heaven On Earth


You Are Everywhere by Dr. Ram Sharma

You twinkle in my memory like stars

You fall from my eyes in the shape of drops

You come to me as unforgotten dream

You are string of invisible relationship

You have your presence on my life’s board

You are source of happiness and sadness

You are not here and there

You are everywhere

There is one Creator in this world and it has no form.  The Creator is pure existential energy that has no boundaries.  We have given the Creator names such as God, Shiva, and Allah to name a few.  Every religion has a name for the Creator.  Humanity likes identities.  No matter what you call the Creator, it is still the pure existential energy that creates, sustains and rejuvenates every atom in the Universe.

It is challenging for mankind to see the Creator as energy.  Existential Energy is brilliant – way beyond any human intelligence on this planet.  It is made of female and male energy so when one refers to it as he, that label is erroneous.  The first human Universal energy created was Adam.  Adam was composed of both female and male energy like all of existence.  Adam was happy within himself and all of existence.  However, one day the Creator instructed Adam to use his rib to create another human called Eve.  That is how the Creator in human male and female forms developed.  When Eve was tempted by the snake and ate the forbidden apple, the Creator felt humans needed to learn lessons and gave them free will to do what they pleased.  Adam was so distraught about disobeying the Creator, he prayed for forgiveness and of course, it was granted.  The Creator sent Archangel Raziel down to Adam.  Archangel Raziel gave Adam “The Sefer Raziel Hamalach,” the book containing the Secrets of the Universe.  And so life began on planet Earth.

Humans learned lessons about fear, greed, war and so many other painful tutelages for millenniums.  However, there was a time when Earth was like Heaven.  It was during the times of Atlantis approximately 200,000 years ago.  During this time, communities worked together cohesively sharing ideas, foods and talents.  Each person supported and helped each other.  There was true abundance in every form – prosperity, health, relationships.   Everyone lived in bliss and each day was an adventure full of surprises.  Humans had the ability to manifest anything they wanted so there was no need for competition and “survival of the fittest.”  One day, control and greed took over and the souls who were tricked were not able to forgive themselves.  They saw Atlantis fall from grace as every being was destroyed.

Prior to its destruction, a group of Atlanteans knew the demise of Atlantis was soon to occur so they needed to relocate precious crystals to prevent them from being destroyed or used for negative purposes.  The Galactics, mainly the Sirian-Pleidian Alliance helped the Atlantean loyalists with this secret mission.  The group of loyalists were called the Agarthans.  The 9 crystals the Agarthans saved underneath our planet have been activated every year.  For instance, one crystal was activated on 11/11/11 and another on 12/12/12.  These crystals allowed us to reach higher dimensional frequencies.  These crystals brought balance as well as beautiful, calming energy to our planet.

On December 21, 2012, a surge of love energy was infused onto planet earth.  This could only have happened through prayers and meditations of a multitude of  groups around the world pleading for a magnanimous change.  Even prior to 2012, our DNA was gradually changing from carbon based to crystalline based due to humanities prayers.

The year 2013 was a time of assimilation of these intense energies.  It gave us the opportunity to release emotional disturbances and negative mental patterns embedded in our subconscious.  The year 2014 is the time to recognize the powers within and manifest whatever we want.

About 70% of our population were Atlanteans using our powers to live in peace, harmony and bliss.  We were devastated by the destruction of Atlantis and those memories are stored in our subconscious.  We blame ourselves for the tragedy that occurred at Atlantis.  Whether we were the deceived or the deceiver, we have not been able to forgive ourselves for this traumatic event.  The great news is the Creator and all the divine loves each and every one of us unconditionally and forgives us completely.  Now we must offer that love and forgiveness to ourselves.

The Creator in human form is every one of us.  In the heavens we have a pure soul filled with love, peace and compassion, but when we are born, we forget about our purity.  We have karmas embedded in our subconscious, our Book of Life, from every lifetime on earth.  For many, Atlantis is deeply engraved in our memory banks.

There are also Avatars who come down to this planet.  They are also the Creator in human form.  However, in their past life they became enlightened meaning they reached a state way beyond our human 3rd dimension.  These Avatars have reached the level of total purity.  They have no anger, worry or fears.  They go with the flow of existence and live in total bliss.  These beings could be crucified, imprisoned or abused and still retain their smiles and happiness.  They choose to take a human form to help humanity.  While humans must continue to take a human form from life to life until they achieve pure consciousness, Avatars take a human form due to the purity of their heart.  Jesus, Muhammad, Murga, Buddha and St. Germaine are all considered Avatars.  They are an incarnation of the Creator at the highest level.

We are all the sons and daughters of the Creator.  That energy is the Universe and we all contain a part of that energy.  In our physical 5 foot or 6 foot frame is existential energy.  We are all one!

We mentioned earlier, 2014 is the year to manifest anything we desire.  It is also the year to transform our planet into a world similar to Atlantis.  Mankind needs help.  Even though there are Avatars and Saints currently on our planet, humanity requires aid from the entire Universe.  There are Galactic brothers and sisters readily available to come to our assistance.

Since existential energy is pure divine intelligence, it can be transformed into any form at all – humans, trees, animals, sea creatures, mountains, stars, clouds, tables and so on.  Our Galactic brothers and sisters are another form of us.  Some familiar names are Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Agarthans, Hathors and many more.  Some of these Sentient beings prefer human bodies, some like animal vessels, some enjoy half animal and half human forms, some like ten arms and it goes on and on.  It really doesn’t matter what form they take because their souls have pure love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony for the entire Universe.  Ganesha, a favorite divine being of many people of all religions, has an elephant head and a human body.  Ganesha removes obstacles, is fun and loves sweets!  All the divine Sentient beings are fun, playful and full of love.  The soul is the Creator energy and our bodies allow us to enjoy the wonders of the world in a physical form.

Here comes the most exciting part that was supposed to be a surprise to all of humanity.  All lightworkers are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Galactic brothers and sisters.  Our Galactic family will be coming to planet Earth in forms we love.  Those forms are our deceased relatives, beloved pets and other forms you truly wish them to be.  They will only come when they are invited and feel welcome.  Humanity has free will and the Creator will never take that free will away, so we must ask them to join us with our mission.

There is a way for people around the globe to join together as one to bring our planet back to its Utopian beginnings.  The information exists on another website.  Initially, you may feel this assignment is benefitting one person.  In reality, this task is helping all of humanity and the entire Universe.  It will demonstrate the power of the collective consciousness to perform a miracle.

Moses had explicit instructions from the Creator to save his people, not just himself.  If Moses went alone to the Red Sea, do you think it would part?  The Red Sea parted because the collective consciousness trusted Moses and listened to his words.  There were no chosen people.  That particular group was identified as the Israelites.  However, the Creator was helping the souls who prayed to be released from slavery and genocide.  Thoughts are extremely powerful.  What goes out comes back.  The Israelites were praying for salvation and the Egyptians were passionate about killing.  The Universe doesn’t determine good or bad.  The Existential Energy gave the two groups their intense wishes.  That is why the Jews were saved and the Egyptians were destroyed.

Please listen to this radio interview from July 2013.  It is one hour.  You will hear the joy and laughter in the voice and feel the truth and integrity within the words.  After listening, please go to http://educationalhealing.wordpress.com to see how we could have Heaven On Earth right now!

Radio Interview

Let There Be Peace On Earth

Peace On Earth - flowers

War and Peace by Dr. Ram Sharma

Thinking about the war first

Think white coloured birds in the sky

Look at the silent blue sky

Touch the green flowerful trees

Thinking about the war

Look towards the clouds

Feel the fragrance of flowers

Feel the humanity within yourself

Think about love

Think about peace

Teenagers from all races and religions around the world wrote the lyrics to the song “Let There Be Peace On Earth.”  The group of 180 students wanted to share their gift of love for humanity through this phenomenal song.  This song has travelled across the globe and is sung in schools, places of worship and at the United Nations.  Johnny Mathis, Bob Hope, Nat King Cole and many other professional artists added this song to their repertoire.  The song was given many awards.  Our youth are amazing!

Historical figures whose sole purpose was to bring peace to humanity were betrayed, excommunicated, assassinated and imprisoned for these teachings.  How is it possible for a group of youngsters to gain fame and accolades while charismatic leaders are judged and condemned by society?  The answer is the collective consciousness is much more powerful than the power of a single individual.  Huge feats occurred in history when massive groups of devoted followers joined their leaders in pursuit of peace and freedom.

Martin Luther King Jr. promoted non-violence.  During a boycott, King was imprisoned along with many others and found guilty.  He appealed his case and the Montgomery Bus Boycott made King a legend.  Dr. King wrote a letter from his jail cell that gave people the courage to have a national Civil Rights Movement.  This mass movement ended segregation.  Dr. King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech demonstrated the power of peace over war.

Socrates was a master philosopher whose brilliance outshone many of the finest minds in Greece.  Socrates listened to voices inside his head that taught him the meaning of truth and justice.   He acknowledged his short comings and rose above them.  He willingly shared this message with all.  Socrates stated “one who realizes he is ignorant will become the wisest of all.”  Many people in Greece felt Socrates was brainwashing their youth and his sentiments were against the Greek government.  Socrates was sentenced to death and forced to drink poison.

The Dalai Lama is the head spiritual leader of Tibet and he practices compassion, love, peace, unity, tranquility and harmony.  This holy man was exiled from his own country.  Furthermore, as the Dalai Lama spoke in Washington DC in March 2014, “hundreds protested outside on behalf of the International Shugden Community of Buddhists.”  The article from USA Today further stated the Dalai Lama’s speech ended that day with the following words “May the world see prosperity and prepare the coming of graceful teacher and we can live in harmony and mutual respect.  May the grace remain alive for all.”  Regardless of  the hostility of the outside crowds, the Dalai Lama chose to share a message of love, peace and harmony.

Nelson Mandela was an excellent lawyer who protested against the African government’s unfair treatment of its citizens.  He organized boycotts and was convicted of treason.  His sentence was life imprisonment.  News spread worldwide about racial injustices with the intent to free Mandela.  He was released from prison after serving almost 30 years of his sentence.  He became President of South Africa and was respected globally for his tenacity and perseverance for peace.

Gandhi’s mission was to free the impoverished and the abused in India.  He encouraged people to protest against unjustifiable taxation and discrimination.  Gandhi was imprisoned for conspiracy.  After Gandhi’s release from prison, he was assassinated for trying to teach the Muslims and Hindus peaceful methods to end their controversies.

Joan of Arc was the Saint who led the French people to victory.  Joan spoke to Archangel Michael through her visions.  One minute Joan of Arc was a heroin and the next moment she was on trial for heresy.  She was burned at the stake.  Twenty-five years after her execution, she was pronounced innocent and declared a Saint once again.

When Moses was a shepherd, he saw an Egyptian beating a Jew.  Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him.  People gossiped so Moses fled from Egypt so he wasn’t executed by the Pharaoh.  Moses encountered God as a burning bush.  After this encounter, Moses went to the Pharaoh and said “The God of my forefathers told me to tell you Let My People Go.”  Moses was referring to the genocidal decree issued by the Pharaoh against the Jews.  Ironically, Moses grew up as the grandson of the Pharaoh.  Moses put his staff down and it became a snake, but the Pharaoh was unimpressed.  God sent 10 plagues to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery to no avail.  The Pharaoh was unrelenting.  Finally, Moses led the people to freedom by parting the Red Sea.

Muhammad met Archangel Gabrielle in a secluded cave.  He began proclaiming that “God is one,” and he, Muhammad, was a messenger of God.  Muhammad and his few followers fought with Meccan tribes and due to a plot to assassinate him, he moved to Medina.  At the end of eight years, Muhammad and his army of 10,000 peacefully regained Mecca.  When the Muslims speak about Muhammad and other prophets, they say “peace be upon him.”

Jesus was a brilliant teacher who performed miracles of healing.  Jesus had 12 disciples and he knew at the Last Supper one of his followers would betray him.  All the apostles sitting at the table that night swore their undying love to Jesus.  As predicted, Judas betrayed Jesus.  Jesus was crucified for being “The King of the Jews.”  His dying words were “please forgive them father for they know not what they do.”  Even when faced with a horrifying death, his thoughts were of love and forgiveness for humanity.

Buddha was born into a royal family and had all the material things he could ever want.  He also had a wife with a beautiful soul.  The day he decided to go outside the palace walls, he witnessed poverty, illnesses and abuse.  At that moment, he renounced all his worldly possessions with the intent to help humanity.  Buddha learned from great teachers along the way.  He began fasting and still he did not achieve his purpose so he began to eat again.  He felt defeated.  Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree refusing to move until he could help mankind.  He became enlightened the minute he sent that intention out to the Universe.  His teachings were profound messages about love, peace and compassion for all.

These leaders of the world listened to their higher selves.  What they saw was their pure divine soul.  Morality, integrity, peace, compassion, unity and harmony filled their thoughts.  They observed life from a new perspective.  For instance, who would believe a burning bush talks and at the same time doesn’t burn to the ground?  There was one person who believed even though it is way beyond logic.  His name was Moses and he led the people to safety.  When one surrenders to God, there is no more questioning.  It is because it is.  I am because I am.  Control is relinquished as one goes with the flow and allows the existential energy to guide him/her.

“Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin With Me.”  Each one of us must start the process of peace within ourselves and others will join.  When one has love in his/her heart, the pure light energy draws others around him/her automatically, similar to the Saints we just described.  “With God As Creator….Family All Are We…Let Us Walk With Each Other…In Perfect Harmony.”  There is only one Creator and he/she is God, Existential Energy, Source or any other identity.  He/She is Universal energy.  Any person, Saint or not, in physical form is an incarnation of existential energy.  This makes us all family and we must walk together in perfect harmony.   The brilliant teenagers who wrote “Let There Be Peace On Earth” were messengers from God.  It is time to listen to their words of wisdom.







Plants Heal Diseases In Our Bodies

nature = mother nature


Love Earth, Love Nature, Help Earth, Help Nature by Dr. Ram Sharma

To be able to breathe air so fresh and clean,

To watch a sky with such a beautiful blue hue

To have the wind softly caress our faces

And to look at a vast ocean and a gorgeous sunset

What a beautiful display of unselfish love

From our Creator looking lovingly from above

Natural disasters and extreme weather conditions have become the norm across the globe.  Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and winter storms circumambulate the planet and innumerous amounts of citizens perish from those harsh lessons.  Mother Nature, Gaia, is cleansing herself of all the toxins and poisons impacted in her land forms and bodies of water.  Gaia is suffocating by the words, thoughts and actions of society.  Mother Nature is pleading for humanity to awaken and purify the contamination that has caused extensive harm to her plants, animals, insects and natural resources.  We have taken nature for granted.  The paradox is we are also destroying ourselves because we rely on nature to survive.

There are five elements in the Universe.  These elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.  All humans, animals and plants are made up of these five elements or states of energy.  Our body is composed of 70% water.  Water in our anatomy is present in urine, blood, brain, uterus, marrow and white body matter.  In plants, water is present in the trunks and branches.  When sugars are turned into energy in the mitochondria, the energy center of the cell, the fire element is present.  In plants, the energy center is mainly in the leaves.  The earth element represents itself in a solid state of matter through bones, blood vessels, flesh and skin.  In plants, the earth element is present in its roots.  Oxygen or air enables us to breathe.  It helps us run, sit, stand, walk, jump and sleep.  In plants, air is manifested through the flowers.  Space is everywhere in the body and in plants the space element is mainly in the seeds.  When disease encroaches the cells of our body, one or more of the elements become out of balance.  Since plants, humans and animals contain the five elements, imbalances in the human system can be restored through the use of plants and animal products such as milk and ghee (clarified butter).

Plants provide an excellent source of nutritional food for our body.  In Siddha Medicine and Ayurveda, all parts of the plant are used in healing remedies.  Roots, bark, leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds, stamen and more are essential components of the plant utilized to harmonize our physical vessel.  The same part of the plant can be used to treat a variety of ailments.

Garlic lowers the LDL (low density lipoprotein) in the blood.  When cholesterol builds up in the arterial walls, it slows down blood flow and increases the risk of heart disease and other ailments.  Garlic creates good cholesterol which carries the toxic cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver where the body is able to eliminate it.  Garlic also prevents blood pressure from elevating during sleep.  Moreover, garlic strengthens the immune system and has been shown to help cancer patients.

Ginger helps digestion because it cleanses the body of all undigested foods.  Ginger is excellent for issues with constipation, treating gout, releasing toothache pain and decreasing coughs and colds.  Furthermore, Ginger improves blood circulation by heating the body.  Also, Ginger is known to improve memory and is a beneficial supplement for Alzheimers patients.  Moreover, ginger helps prevent blood clots.

Turmeric, an ancient spice, can help people with diabetes.  Turmeric dramatically lowers glucose levels and repairs cells in the pancreas allowing the organ to produce healthy levels of insulin.  Figs are efficacious as well for diabetic patients.  As an anti-inflammatory agent, Turmeric treats jaundice, menstrual difficulties, toothaches, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), arthritis and many areas of swelling and discomfort in the body.  Turmeric is known to improve blood circulation and cancer patients benefit from this herb.

Honey is a rejuvenating natural substance supplied by our amazing bee friends.  Honey used as a topical ointment heals burns and other skin conditions.  Honey ingested orally, is an effective treatment for colds, bronchitis or other respiratory illnesses including asthma.

Fenugreek and cumin seeds are useful for stomach ailments.  Also, munching on cumin seeds can be used as a substitute for cigarette cessation.  Furthermore, eating cumin seeds will enhance equilibrium and clear dizziness.

Mother Nature has sounded the clarion call to wake up and smell the roses.  We are all a member of the Universe.  Every particle is an integral component of the galaxy.  We must create a sense of reverence for Gaia and be extremely grateful for all she has given to us and continues to deliver to us.  We must understand that the vandalism destroying nature is also annihilating mankind.  The animals, plants, insects, bodies of water and all of nature aren’t able to advocate for themselves.  We, as humans, must help these defenseless creatures who only choose to go with the flow of existence and follow the Laws of the Universe.  We must answer Mother Nature’s signal with the intent to take responsibility for the atrocities we have created.  Then, we must forgive ourselves completely and transform our planet into a world where all animals, insects, humans, plants, nature’s natural resources and our Galactic brothers and sisters coexist harmoniously in joy.  Mother Nature will be healed and in ecstasy once again.



The True Message Of All Religions Is Love



YOUR RELIGION by Dr. Ram Sharma
Your religion is you
Your religion is breathing inside you
Your religion is the golden rays of Sun God
Your religion is in greenery
Your religion is in jumping deer
Your religion dances in the peacock
Your religion is in hovering clouds
Your religion is the radiating sun
Your religion is in stars and in the galaxy
Your religion is in every atom of the universe

Religion has been a source of contention for humanity throughout history.  People are willing to murder, terrorize civilizations, and conquer land in the name of religion.  People will judge, condemn, criticize and destroy those who choose a different faith.

The Creator, Supreme Consciousness or Existential Energy allowed humans who achieved God realization to incarnate on the planet earth to teach mankind the Secrets of the Universe.  The main secret is that we are all created from the same energy.   Every single being is composed of this energy.  The Creator has pure unconditional love and compassion for every atom in the Universe.

Great Prophets incarnated on this planet in human form to teach these amazing truths.  Yet, the greed and power of humanity interpreted the teachings erroneously and religion and God became words of fear.  Sin, the devil and hell were brainwashed into societies heads through powerful religious scriptures and holy places of worship.

The Golden Age of this planet has arrived and many religions speak about the Savior.  Christians are awaiting the second coming of Christ.  Jews are foreseeing the Messiah.  The Muslims are watchful for the guided one or the appearance of Mahdi.  The Hindus expect the Kalki Avatar.  The Buddhists are waiting with bated breath for the arrival of Maitreya Buddha.  People from all religions eagerly wait for the Dark Ages to be over and the Light Ages to emerge.

Here is the irony.  People are waiting for the Messiah to appear on earth in the same body and the same religion.  What if Jesus decides to come onto earth as a Muslim?  What if Buddha incarnated as a homosexual?  What if Allah chose to be a Rabbi?  What if Kalki Avatar decided to be born as an African?  What if only one Messiah is coming in a human form and the majority of our population misses this phenomenal being of pure light because this being is not born in the expected religion?

Throughout history, these great Saints and messengers from the Creator and Supreme Consciousness were admonished from society because nobody was ready to hear the truth.  Are we finally ready?  The truth of every religion is love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony.  There is a mantra devised to help humanity understand we are all one.  The mantra is “OM HIN ARC JEW ZEN NAMAHA.”

OM is the Universal language of oneness.  HIN is from the Vedic tradition that teaches about yoga, meditation, mantras, and mudras.  The Gayatri mantra emits powerful divine energy when you listen and chant.

Om bhur bhuvah svah

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

“Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life, who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whose contact frees the soul from all troubles, Who pervades the Universe and sustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe, the Giver of happiness, Who is worthy of acceptance, the most excellent, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, let us embrace that very God, so that He may direct our mental faculties in the right direction.”

ARC stands for the Archangels and is from the Christian faith.  If the name has an el at the suffix, it denotes Archangel status.  El means “in God.”  Every Archangel has a specialty.  There are many Archangels, but here are the ones most people know.

Archangel Michael – Angel of protection and peace

Archangel Raphael – Angel of healing

Archangel Gabrielle – Angel of strength

Archangel Uriel – Angel of intellectual information

Archangel Jophiel – Angel of creativity

Archangel Chamuel – Angel of relationships

Archangel Haniel – Angel of grace

Archangel Raziel – Angel of  the Secrets of the Universe

The Pattern On The Trestleboard is from the Jewish faith.  It reveals the Truth About The Self.  JEW comes from these words of wisdom.

0.  All the power that ever was or will be is here now.

1.  I am a center of expression for the Primal Will to Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.

2.  Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.

3.  Filled with Understanding of perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the Path of Liberation.

4.  From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.

5.  I recognize the manifestation of the Undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.

6.  In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.

7.  Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.

8.  I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.

9.  In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.

10. The kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

ZEN is from the Buddhist faith or any religion that teaches about love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony.  There are 10 great vows in the Buddhist Tao tradition.  The words are written phonetically for learning purposes.  Thank you for your understanding.

1.  Chung Ceen Baw So – Uphold With Sincerity

2.  Shur Ceen Tsan Hway – Repent Truthfully

lru yo – if

3.  She Ceen Jia EE – (Not) being insincere

4.  Tway Shaw Boo Chen – (Not) to withdraw without progressing

5.  Chee Shir Mea Tzoo – (Not) to deceive the masters and patriarchs

6.  Meow Shir Chian Lren – (Not) to look down on the Predecessors

7.  Boo Jren Faw Gway – (Not) to fail to abide by the Divine rules

8.  Shay Low Tien Jee – (Not) to divulge the Heavenly secret

9.  Knee Tao Boo Shien – (Not) to keep Tao to oneself

10.  Boo Liang Lee Er Way Jer – (Not) to try one’s utmost in doing

There are 99 beautiful names of Allah.  Islam means peace and peace was the message Allah and Muhammed were attempting to convey.

1.  Ar-Ramah – the giver of compassion

2.  As-Salam – the giver of peace

3.  Al-Muhayim – the giver of protection

4.  Al-Gafur – the giver of forgiveness

5.  Al-Latif – the giver of affection

6.  Al-Muquit – the giver of sustenance and strength

7.  Al-Wadud – the giver of love

8.  Al-Haqq – the giver of truth

9.  Al-Hadi-the giver of guidance

10.  Ar-Ra’uf – the giver of kindness

11.  An-Nur – the giver of the light

The message for all religions is the same.  We are all God.  When we have love, peace, compassion and forgiveness in our hearts, we will truly meet the Messiah because the Messiah exists in each one of us.  Religion keeps us in fear, pain, greed and control.  Love gives us peace, relaxation and happiness.   Love yourself and love your neighbors in every religion, creed, gender, social status, appearance or any other condition we use to judge.  NAMAHA means bow down to.  Om Hin Arc Jew Zen Namaha means we see the divine in all and we treat each other with respect and acceptance for the beautiful souls we truly are because we are all one.   Jesus, Buddha, Allah, or Shiva may be sitting right next to you in a form you don’t recognize.

Open up your hearts to the Golden Age.  There are many spiritual cosmic beings who want to join humanity, live among us and help us transform our planet.  They all have love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony in their hearts.  Since humans have free will, they are waiting for an invitation.  Please invite our galactic brothers and sisters from the Cosmos to collaborate with us to bring our planet back to its Utopian Beginnings.  The collective consciousness must come together for this magnanimous victory to occur.  Let’s bring our family home and create heaven on earth.

Listen to the divine music from all the religions shown below and you will know, without a doubt, that all beings come from the same exact source.

Miracle Prayer by Mitchell Gibson  (Jewish tradition)

Musical Rapture Patricia Cota-Robles and Frederic DeLarue (Christian tradition)

Hazrat Rumi’s Sufi Poetry (Muslim tradition)

Piperon – Angelica (Buddhist tradition)

Gayatri Mantra (Vedic tradition)

The Rainbow Song – A Celebration of Nelson Mandela (African tradition)

The Native American Indian Ten Commandments – Chief White Cloud (American Indian tradition)

Hathor Love Vibration by Tom Kenyon (Galactic tradition)

We Are The World – The Next Generation (the children of the world in every tradition)

What If God Was One Of Us – song from Joan of Arcadia television show





Unconditional Love Unlocks The Treasures To The Universe


FLOWERS by Dr. Ram Sharma

The earth laughs in flowers

and flowers in your soul.

You all are wonderful souls .

All have the same divinity .


Love is the universal language of the world and the Cosmos. Love allows the light to shine bright and heal whoever is lucky enough to be in its path. Love radiates miles out in all directions and even travels across countries and outer realms. A thought of love could put a smile on someone’s face who is depressed and afraid. Love is the best medicine in the entire galaxy. When you experience a glimmer of unconditional love, no addiction will suffice.

Addictions occur when we are searching for immediate gratification to mask our pain. Initially the drug, alcohol, cigarette, food or other obsessions provide a relief from the madness of society. For instance, marijuana is a gateway to other narcotics. Marijuana gives some people bliss when first inhaled. However, after smoking for awhile, our body becomes immune to the marijuana and is unable to reach the original state of euphoria. The body is craving ecstasy and marijuana no longer satisfies the yearning, so people may try cocaine. Once again, the cocaine provides instant exhilaration and then mass amounts of the powder are unable to help the person achieve high spirits. As a result, people search for a mind altering drug that is even more powerful. This time, it may be heroin. When first taken heroin creates a feeling of rapture. Once injected, these opiates travel in our blood streams destroying neuronal pathways. People in this state of frenzy are incapable of making constructive decisions and live in a comatose condition barely participating in society. They are desiring a quick fix to stifle their agony and the body becomes resistant to all stimulants because they aren’t natural chemicals produced by our body.

We have natural drugs in our brain called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters release chemicals such as adrenaline or dopamine. It is the way cells communicate with each other to build strong neuronal pathways. When the natural chemicals are released, they fit easily into their adjacent cell through a synapse. The key from one cell fits into the lock of the neighboring cell. When a foreign stimulant enters the body, it attempts to fit into the cell’s lock because it is imitating the neurotransmitter. The lock allows part of the drug to enter the correct cell, however there is seepage into cells in other areas of the brain as well as organs in the body. These mind altering drugs live up to their name. They destroy our brain cells.

This sequence of events occurs with any addiction. Alcohol destroys the liver. Also, overeating starts at the liver. The liver dumps massive amounts of toxic food into the intestines which affects the entire digestive system. Cigarettes disturb the lungs. All the organs work together as one unit so when one organ is dysfunctional, all organs and cells are afflicted.

There is good news for people with addictions. A flicker of pure divine energy will set these people on a resplendent path to ecstasy. More important, this addiction will purify the cells in our anatomy with minimal adverse effects. Divine unconditional love allows toxins to come to the surface to be expunged, exterminated and transmuted.

In order for toxins to be removed, they must exit through orifices in our body. The external human orifices are the nose, mouth, ear, anus, urethra and eyes. As a result, flu like symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, ear infections and more will usually occur during the removal of poisons from our bodies. Emotional release may present itself through crying, screaming or other avenues of discharge. Screaming three times at the top of our lungs out to the ceiling or the sky is a great calming tool. This is considered quick surgery. Once people give themselves permission to release toxins, they will be forever gone.

Love is the answer. Say the mantra “I love myself unconditionally and I forgive myself completely” over and over. Listen to divine meditative music for relaxation and inner peace. Look at yourself nude in front of a mirror and touch each body part and tell it you love it. For instance, “I love you head”, “I love you neck.” If you have sexual inhibitions call the vagina a yoni and the penis a lingam or any new word you want for your private parts. It is important to give your sexual organs a new name if you are self conscious about these incredible body parts. Feel the love in your heart and watch your body respond joyfully to your beautiful touch and words of devotion. After all, if you don’t love your own body, how can you expect anybody else to treasure this divine vessel.

Every night before you go to sleep, write three things you accomplished during the day. Ignore any items that caused you discomfort or anguish. After writing, read the three achievements out loud with gratitude in your heart and a smile on your face. While sleeping, play meditative healing music from the higher realms. There are many choices on you tube. It is best to download these sacred vibrations and put the player on repeat so it penetrates your subconscious all night long.

The divine loves to dance, sing, laugh and have fun! Call the angels or your special divine friends to join you at work, cleaning the house or doing chores. These beings of light will dance and sing with you and your day will be filled with joy and laughter. Smiling is the best medicine! Look people in the eyes and flash them your biggest smile. It takes excessive energy to frown so you might as well conserve energy and smile.

The easiest way to forgive your enemies is to include these people in your gratitude prayers. Begin your daily gratitude prayers with this statement “I am grateful for all the blessings and abundance in my life. Thank you”…name all the divine beings you love and then add some of the humans who are triggering emotional disturbances within you. You will observe these people transforming due to your prayers of love. Or, if their soul chooses to remain unawakened, at least you will be able to handle any conflicts with grace and integrity.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) combines positive affirmations with tapping on meridians in the body. This releases blockages in the energy centers. Brad Yates on you tube demonstrates EFT with many topics to choose from including “Release Your Fears and Worries” and “Vibrant Health.”

It usually takes 21 days to reprogram a belief embedded in your subconscious so don’t expect results instantaneously although that could be possible with intensity, passion and perseverance. If you commit to these activities for 21 days, you will see results. Remember, unconditional love is the key that unlocks the treasures of the Universe. The treasures may be in the form of prosperity, relationships, health or anything you truly desire.

Set Your Inner Child Free


MASK by Dr. Ram Sharma
It looks,
i have to change my old mask,
the colour of its face has become old,
there are several lines in it,
i used to wear this mask,
to hide my animal feelings and cruelties,
now looks i can be caught,
i fear from the cracks of mask,
there shouldn`t come my animality,
now i am in tension,
now i will come to my reality

We all hide behind a mask hoping nobody will see what lies underneath – a pure divine soul.  The pure divine soul is happy every moment of every day.  People who are constantly happy are labeled as unstable.  In fact, there is currently a name for people who are happy.  It is called Angelman Syndrome or AS.  Angelman Syndrome is defined as “a neuro-genetic disorder characterized by severe intellectual and developmental disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, hand flapping and frequent laughter or smiling and usually a happy demeanor.”  Wikipedia further states “people with AS are sometimes known as angels because of the syndromes name and because of their youthful, happy appearance.”

Society doesn’t understand how people could be happy in this world so most people jump to the conclusion there is something neurologically wrong with these happy people.  Is it possible the mind altering drugs advertised on the commercial for Angelman Syndrome are creating the adverse side effects of seizures, hand flapping and insomnia?  Is it possible those diagnosed people really love to smile, laugh and are genuinely happy?  Is it possible that many people on our planet are misdiagnosed and placed on psycho stimulant medication that confirms the public’s belief that they are crazy and a menace to society?  Is it possible these people who have found joy in a crazy world are really angels here to teach us lessons?

People put on masks to fit into society because one of our biggest fears is to be ostracized and alone.  Mommy, daddy, neighbor, Scout leader, employee, boss, friend, husband, wife, coach, cook, driver, daughter, son and social director are some of the roles we play on a daily basis.  We wear a different hat for each role and our personalities change according to the character we are playing.  Our boss expects us to act one way, our spouse expects an entirely different persona and our friends anticipate another identity.  We conform to societies expectations because we have been conditioned to act a certain way from a young age.  This brainwashing has caused us profound angst and it has become challenging to laugh and smile.

Before we come to planet earth, we make a contract with the Universe.  In this agreement, we concur to bring karma, desires that were not completed in past lives.  That karma is buried in our subconscious and when we are born we have no recollection of this commitment.  Our inner child, or subconscious, creates situations in our lives to remove the karma.  It usually occurs in the early childhood years.  Most of the time, the events are unpleasant and when they arise, they immediately form a belief such as “I’m not good enough.”  If we are able to stay with the belief “I am not good enough”, for example, our inner child is happy because he/she is protecting us.  However, if we go against this belief and feel we are good enough, our inner child sets off a cacophony of alarm bells and begins creating disease in the cells of our body.  This particular belief is associated with the posterior pituitary gland.  This gland secretes chemicals to the hypothalamus and alerts the amygdala.  The amygdala deals with our emotions and manages our response to fear and stress.  When disease enters the posterior pituitary gland, it puts our amygdala on high alert over and over again like a broken record.  As a result, people will be on a roller coaster of fear and anger responding inappropriately to incidences that cross their path.

We learn to adapt to the will of our inner child.  Our inner child is extremely strong and does everything in its power to protect us.  In reality, our inner child is sabotaging our hopes and dreams.  Picture your inner child as a toddler or small child because that is truly what it is.  Our inner child has never grown up because the emotional fears, worries, jealousy, greed, anger, sadness and more are contained within that small frame.  Let’s release the chains that bind your inner child.

Tell your inner child you love him/her.  Thank your inner child for protecting you all these years.  Give your inner child a hug.  Ask your inner child to put all the fears one by one in a basket.  Do the same thing with worries, anger and other limiting beliefs that are keeping your inner child hostage.  Hold your inner child tight and comfort him/her as tears pour or screams of release occur.  Take St. Germaine’s Violet Torch and burn the basket and all of its contents.  Watch the flames burn to ash and be elated as the ash travels up to the Universe to be transmuted.  Now, comes the fun part.  Have your inner child write or draw its true desires, any wish it wants.  Place these wishes on the floor temporarily.  Your inner child is allowed to put as many wishes as he/she wants on these papers.  Once this is accomplished, use Archangel Gabrielle’s (or any Divine being) golden bubbles of fun.  Place each piece of written desire inside a bubble and witness the bubbles disappearing into the Cosmos with your special message.  Hug your inner child and hug yourself.

Your mask is finally ready to come off.  Go to the mirror, remove the mask and look closely at the beautiful soul who stands before you.  There is no need for any more hats and roles to play for you are perfect in every way.  Congratulate yourself for the courage and strength you have just demonstrated.  People may still judge you, gossip about you or be angry with you.  Just send your love to these people and thank them for bringing you to this high state of consciousness.  We are all mirrors of each other.  What we don’t like about others usually exists within ourselves.  It is a great blessing that our so-called enemies bring this epiphany to our attention so we can continuously put those thoughts in a basket to be torched with the Violet Flame and replace them with our golden bubbles of fun!

We Are Masters Of Our Destiny


MASTER by Dr. Ram Sharma
What is,
in the ownership,
of limitless treasures,
when he doesn`t have,
morality, love and compassion,
pity, patience and bravery,
without these things,
he is like a tree,
without roots,
which neither provide,
shade and shelter to birds,
nor fruits to eat,
what`s the use,
of becoming master of these things

We are all Masters of our own destiny. Our intense energy and passions enable us to manifest whatever we want. Material objects are wonderful and humans are supposed to enjoy all the abundance of the Universe. This includes cars, houses, vacations, fun toys and anything their hearts desire. In order to truly enjoy the riches of the Cosmos, one must have inner peace. The only way to achieve inner fulfillment is through our thoughts, words and actions combined.

Our voice box allows us to communicate easily with people. Words of love, compassion, understanding and honesty are a melodious sound to our ears. Words of disdain, contempt, judgment and control actually hurt our entire physiological make up.

Our thoughts are extremely powerful. People with a great self esteem are able to deflect any negative thoughts blasting them from society. However, the majority of our population internalizes these negative vibrations. People with a low self esteem already feel unworthy and the negative thoughts darting at them confirms that self fulfilling prophecy. For instance, a person is promoted in his/her career. People are congratulating the recipient with words of praise. However, their thoughts are quite different. “Why is he/she so lucky?” “Maybe he/she is sleeping with the boss.” “I hope the supervisor notices he/she is really lazy and incapable of performing the assigned duties.”

A person with a high self esteem feels the energy of those thoughts and transmutes that energy to benefit him/herself. That person recognizes the power of his/her own thoughts and knows the power of the collective consciousness. All that person needs is people thinking about him/her whether it is negative or positive because the Universe responds to energy and doesn’t ascertain if the vibrations are good or bad. The intensity of the gossip and judgment allows the person with a good self esteem to soar because his/her thoughts are of success. That is why a political leader that the majority of the population despises, actually gets elected. The intense negativity from the public empowers the unpopular candidate to achieve his/her desires. In this case, it is the leadership of a country, state or municipality.

Now, let’s look at the person who has a low self esteem. The same negative thoughts emanating from the public are directed at this individual who was just promoted and lacks confidence. This time the story line is different. The public’s negative thoughts intermingle with the person’s thoughts of doubt and ineptness. Most likely the individual will be under intense stress and anxiety, making rash decisions and possibly being demoted or fired.

In both scenarios, the group sending out thoughts of judgment, jealousy and condemnation acquire karma. Karma means whatever one does, comes back to them. In other words, these people will be in situations whereby others will judge, criticize or blame them. The cycle continues without people comprehending the ramifications of what has just transpired. This unending chain carries forward to communities, countries and eventually becomes global. As a result, the majority of our world are trapped in a fog of dense energy finding it challenging and frustrating to wipe off the condensation. Every time a patch of light appears, the insurmountable negativity clouds over it once again. People who continuously think and act negatively are unable to awaken to the incredible scenery that is right in front of them.

Positive words, thoughts and actions must be used congruently. When we have truly mastered those three qualities, we become the Masters of our passions and talents. We realize all are equal. We understand that both a sanitation worker and a doctor contribute equally to the benefit of society as long as they perform their jobs with love, respect and acceptance for humanity. When we see homeless people, we want to help them instead of look at them with a grimace of disgust. When our soldiers go off to war, we protest because innocent men, women and children are being mutilated and they are all a part of us. The Universe has no boundaries or divisions between countries. As Masters, we support one another to surpass their highest dreams. As Masters, we realize nothing is beneath us and every being and element is instrumental for the well being of the Universe. As Masters, we care for all of nature including animals, insects, trees, plants, and our healing waters and land. We know these forms are a part of us as well. As Masters, we look at our cars, houses, and other inanimate objects and treat them with the respect they deserve for we are all one.

Without compassion, love, morality, patience and bravery, we are like a suffering tree. We may have burst out of the seed that kept us as prisoners. However, once sprouted, we may have succumbed to the negativity of society and allowed it to destroy our once strong roots. Materialism and greed become paramount and we forget that our soul was totally pure at one time. The birds, animals and children search for the trees of strength that weathers any storm gracefully. With any tree whose roots are rotted, eventually it becomes uprooted and falls down. There is no use in having all the material possessions if you don’t have inner peace, love and happiness.

Decide the type of Master you choose to be. You could be the Master of all your passions and live in happiness, peace and tranquility. Or, you can choose to complain and send daggers of negative energy out to the horizon and be the Master of your possessions. You all have beautiful, amazing souls. Tear down the walls of distrust, anger and discontentment and build a planet of love, compassion, integrity and unity. Together, we can use our passions and talents to create the world we truly want and deserve. We could all be the trees of knowledge and healing that provides a safe home for those who nestle in our branches and comfort for those who lean against our sturdy trunks.

Meet Your Twin Flame


LONELY WAY by Dr. Ram Sharma
We get only the footsteps only for few years
we walk together for few steps and yearns
we fall , break and say
for your own loneliness walk alone and sway
the way is lonely and straight
here none is to walk with us , we only thought
how straight and clear the way is
there is no eye to see , no lap to rest
we have to walk , walk and walk to appear in the test
footprints of few footsteps
somewhere we get but there is no one —-no one

We are never alone and yet we are lonely.  We are always searching for something that seems just beyond our reach.  What could it possibly be?  We are looking externally for someone or something to make us happy.  Is it a lifelong partner?  Is it children?  Is it a big house?  Is it a great career?  Is it a new car?  Even when we obtain all those wishes, are we truly happy?

I will speak from my own experience and tell you after reaching my so called goals, I was still seeking more.  What is more?  I realized all I truly wanted was to be happy and the outside world would never be able to quench my thirst or my veracious appetite for happiness.  Material objects become antiquated and we want the latest model.  Most people put conditions on their love for one another.  For instance, “if you do this for me, I will love you so much” or “If you act a certain way, then I’ll love you.”  Love becomes a word of mistrust, anger, fear, resentment and disappointment.  How is it possible for people to be happy if they depend on society to approve or disapprove of their actions and behaviors?  It is impossible!  For that reason, we must seek happiness internally.

When a person achieves a heart of pure love, compassion and forgiveness for themselves, he/she is in a state of bliss.  Those thoughts of happiness, love, peace, and compassion travel to the Universe and the cosmos reciprocates by bestowing miracles and blessings upon the individual.

Is it sometimes lonely and scary to go within?  The answer is yes because you are witnessing a part of yourself that you didn’t know existed.  You are meeting your true twin flame, the other half of you!  In other words, you are meeting the higher dimensional form of yourself.  This is the energy that operates at a higher vibration and can only surface when there is love, peace and compassion.

In our human vessel, we all have both female and male energy.  If you are a female, you have 51% female energy and 49% male energy and vice versa if your physical body is male.  The 49% is pure divine consciousness.  Usually, the 51% has layers of conditioning full of fear, worry, jealousy, discontentment, greed and more lower vibrational energy.  When we are able to transform the negative thinking patterns into thoughts of love, compassion and forgiveness, then we join with our 49% divine self and become one with the Universe.

We are always searching externally for our twin flame because we crave unconditional love.    As I  mentioned, our twin flame is always with us.  We simply haven’t been cognizant of that fact.  When you  love yourself unconditionally and forgive yourself completely, you are whole.  You are able to handle any circumstance placed before you with clarity and purity.  At that juncture, you will see the divine in everybody and everything.  You will understand that the mate you have chosen as your lifelong partner is also you and the divine, but another form.  The only difference is the vibrational frequency.  The faster you reprogram your negative mental patterns, the quicker you will ascend to a higher vibration.  You will then be able to help your family, friends and soul brothers and sisters achieve ascension too.

Jesus, Buddha, Alla, Shiva, Archangels and anybody else you consider God are different forms of the same exact energy.  However, they are at an extremely high vibrational level.  Everybody on this planet or in the cosmos has the same energy.  As we learn to love and forgive ourselves, we will feel great joy and comprehend this truth.  In order to reach this state,  we must ask the divine to help us by transmuting any toxins in our body into magnificent cells of purity.  Once this occurs, our vibrational level will rise.  Since humans have free will, the divine is waiting for you “to ask” for assistance.  It is even possible to achieve the highest vibrational level as our Ascended Masters have accomplished.  Along with love and forgiveness, intense gratitude is required for this monumental change.

Even though most people aren’t aware, each of us are these higher beings in a multi-dimensional form.  So, we have the energy of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Allah, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, Fairies and other Galactic brothers and sisters inside of us every moment of every day.  All religions and cultures are mixed together inside of every one of us.  If we are externally fighting with others, we are actually battling with ourselves.

The time has come where we must look at each other and see beyond the initial appearance.  Notice the light that shines within all and acknowledge that person is a part of you.  We have all made mistakes in this lifetime and thousands of other lifetimes.  In some lives we were the victims and in others the abuser.  Mistakes are learning opportunities to bring one to a higher state of consciousness.

We must take responsibility for everything that occurred or continues to occur in our lives.  Responsibility means awareness.  It does not mean blame, guilt or shame.   When I took responsibility for every situation in my life, my entire being was transformed.  Prior to that, I conveniently blamed everybody for the injustices placed upon me.  In reality, my subconscious was creating situations in my life to assist me in awakening.

We are never alone.  Friends and family may get angry at us and we feel isolated in a world that doesn’t understand about love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony.  We arrived on earth from the heavens above and know the true meaning of heaven.  When we feel lonely, we are waking up to the wonders of the Universe and meeting the true soul from the heavenly realms – ourselves!


This entry was posted on April 16, 2014. 2 Comments

Follow Your Imagination

Where has gone that world
of my imagination?
Where has gone the compassion
which was among mankind?
Where has gone that society
which had love and love only
in place of hatred, jealousy and malice?
Where has gone that people
who dedicated themselves to the society?
Will this world of my imagination
return again
when the people
will recognize their humanity?

In our youth and innocence, we all had amazing dreams. Many of us wanted to be a superhero and save the world. Others wanted to be a lawyer, judge, policeman, janitor, teacher, doctor, engineer, electrician, plumber, mommy, daddy, writer, artist, musician and I could go on and on. In our childhood, we had visions of flying, walking through walls, teleporting from one place to another within minutes, rescuing people and animals, talking to trees, playing with imaginary friends, sitting on a cloud, riding on a unicorn and so much more.

We arrived on this planet as beautiful souls ready to live in bliss, peace and tranquility. We were ready to explore the world and go on many adventures. We were free. Then, society came in and crushed our dreams. Children were taught they must color within the lines. They were taught the sky must be blue and the grass must be green. If a child colored a cloud purple there must be something developmentally wrong with the child. Boys were taught they must play with cars, trucks and airplanes. Girls were taught to play with dolls, kitchens and houses. Role playing was encouraged at a young age, however if a boy wanted to dress as a princess, people would be horrified. Creativity was frowned upon. Rote memory skills were brainwashed into our heads.

People felt their passions and talents were insignificant. They were told their affinities were not healthy. They were told their desires could possibly be considered hobbies, but most people would never be able to pursue their dreams in the “real world.” Society dictated what was acceptable and humanity had to conform to societal demands or be ridiculed, criticized and condemned in the eyes of the public. As a result, people performed jobs strictly for the money and not for joy. Many people became angry, resentful, depressed, and anxious because life was predictable and boring. The thoughts that originally filled people’s imagination as a child were so deeply buried.  In fact, most of mankind forgot what their dreams were or that this zest for life existed at one time. Visions of excitement, adventure, spontaneity, freedom, love, and power became the illusion. Hatred, jealousy, greed, and malice took control.

When a person is negative with thoughts of fear, worry, jealousy, hostility and other limiting beliefs, the cells in his/her body become disease-ridden.  When a group of people judge, gossip or criticize a person with a low self esteem, the person may become a drug addict, alcoholic, acquire eating disorders or join a gang.  If the gossip and bullying continues, the suffering person may commit suicide.  When mass amounts of people continuously live in fear, anger, worry and discontentment, the negativity literally feeds the corrupt so they are able  to perform heinous crimes against humanity.

Negativity gives the corrupt the power to keep people impoverished in slavery, working at jobs they abhor so they are able to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.  Negativity gives the corrupt the power to control the media and continuously show the evils of society – murder, rape and war.  Negativity gives the corrupt the ability to work in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industries to destroy the brain cells along with trillions of other cells in our anatomy and physiology.  Negativity gives the corrupt the power to use pesticides and GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms) on our plants and trees, depleting nutrients and oxygen while allowing toxins to enter our body.  Negativity gives the corrupt the power to commit acts of genocide and human trafficking.  Humans and the entire animal kingdom are affected by the negativity of millions of people on our planet.  Nature is disturbed due to pollution, radioactive chemicals, chem trails and the low vibrations currently existing on this planet.

If the negative thoughts of society could destroy the world, imagine what the positive, loving thoughts of the collective consciousness will create on Gaia, our earth.  Imagine if the corrupt were placed inside a blue box of containment and were isolated from society until they were rehabilitated with hearts of love, peace and compassion.  Imagine money falling from the sky and people putting their hand out to take only the money they presently need knowing the Universe always supplies.  Imagine healthy food for every man, woman, boy and girl on this planet.  Imagine a roof over everybody’s head and the end of people being homeless.  Imagine free health care with healing remedies for every disease.  Imagine if everyone lived together on a planet of love, peace, compassion, unity and harmony.  Imagine a world where everyone supports each other because we are all one.  Imagine your biggest dream materializing right in front of your eyes.  Imagine schools designed to teach anything we want to learn about including flying, teleporting and any subject we desire.  Imagine if the angels and fairies of our childhood truly existed and they are here to grant us our wishes.  Imagine trees and animals speaking to you in the universal language of love.  Imagine being friends with our galactic star brothers and sisters who love us unconditionally and forgive us completely.  Imagine heaven on earth.  What does that look like to you?

There was a clinical study performed with Macaque monkeys.  The scientists ascertained there was a new neuron and they named it mirror neurons.  The research revealed the monkey who was watching another monkey perform an action produced identical neural firing.  Visualization enables the brain to perceive the activity as reality even though muscles and ligaments were stationary.   Many athletes practiced the mirror neuron theory and successfully won their competitions.  All they did was constantly envision the event in their mind until the brain interpreted it as an accomplished feat.

Every human has this ability.  Start visualizing the world and life you truly want.  Transform all negative thoughts into positive.  Curtail gossiping, judging, criticizing and blaming.  See the divine soul in every being you encounter.  The Preamble to the Constitution of America begins “We The People.”  “We Are The People” for our entire planet, not just the USA, and it is up to us to use our imaginations and then create our New World.